ABOL meeting 2018 – Information on workshops


Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts,

As we have already announced, this year’s ABOL meeting will take place on 6th and 7th of December at the Natural History Museum Vienna.

The first day of the conference (6.12.) is dedicated to the practice this year. Two workshops will be held – in the morning we want to address species connoisseurs with the topic “Collecting for ABOL – ABOL for collectors” (-> info sheet in German); the workshop “Biodiversity Monitoring with DNA: From Research to Application” in the afternoon is aimed at stakeholders, users and scientists (-> info sheet in German).
Both workshops will be held in German.

The scientific part on 7.12. takes place in English. We ask for submission of abstracts for talks and posters! (E-Mail to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at)

Participation in the workshops is free of charge! The conference fee for the scientific symposium on 7.12. is
EUR 20, – (payable locally, free for students).
We ask you to register until October 15, 2018 (also for participation in the workshops!)

On our conference website (-> www.abol.ac.at/abol-meeting-2018) all information about the conference are collected and updated!

We look forward to exciting contributions and an interesting conference!

Your ABOL coordination team