ABOL BioBlitz in the Hohen Tauern

The last ABOL BioBlitz 2024 during the Days of Biodiversity took place on the first weekend in August in the Hohe Tauern National Park. In almost traditionally bad weather, around 75 experts swarmed out to record biodiversity in the Habachtal in the Salzburg part of the Hohe Tauern National Park. The breaks in the rain were used to capture and document insects and other arthropods. Unfortunately, the tall herbaceous meadows on the valley bottom, which are usually particularly rich in flower visitors, were rare because most of them had been grazed by livestock. Due to the weather, only a few experts climbed the higher elevations, for example around the Thüringer Hütte. All in all, the yield of species found was still good – for example, more than 500 plant species were found and 90 moth species on the night-time light traps. As usual, the event was perfectly organized and there was plenty of time for discussions and networking, which is always particularly important for us. At the final meeting on Sunday, with blueberry cake and coffee, we also had the opportunity to briefly introduce ABOL again and call for participation in our campaign. The summary of the species found by group rounded off the event.

We would like to thank the organizers for allowing us to be part of it again this year and look forward to receiving lots of samples for DNA barcodes!

Impressions from the study sites (Photos: M. Sonnleitner):