Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner

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Days of Biodiversity ´25 – a review

The Days of Biodiversity ’25, which ABOL once again has co-organized, are over. Our thanks go to our co-organizers Biodiversity Hub, BOKU, ZooBot, NOBIS, University of Vienna and NHM Vienna for the smooth cooperation. First and foremost, however, we would like to thank all participants for inspiring lectures, interactive workshops and lively discussion rounds. Under […]

ABOL at the Long Night of Museums 2024

Are names written in the genes? We pursued this question at the Long Night of Museums on Saturday, October 5, 2024, until late into the night! The ABOL coordination team and the DNA laboratory of the Central Research Laboratories presented DNA barcoding in different aspects and applications. Visitors were welcome to try extract DNA from […]

ABOL BioBlitz in the Hohen Tauern

The last ABOL BioBlitz 2024 during the Days of Biodiversity took place on the first weekend in August in the Hohe Tauern National Park. In almost traditionally bad weather, around 75 experts swarmed out to record biodiversity in the Habachtal in the Salzburg part of the Hohe Tauern National Park. The breaks in the rain […]

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10 years ÖEG insect camp

Parallel to the Day of Biodiversity in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald, ABOL was represented for the third time at the ÖEG insect camp from June 6th to 9th. Like ABOL, the insect camp also celebrated its 10th anniversary this year, and this year it took place in the Karwendel Nature Reserve in Tyrol. On this […]


Our new project: ABOL-RefDat

ABOL reference data (ABOL-RefDat) – call for project collaboration! We are very pleased that the ABOL-RefDat project, funded by the Biodiversity Fund, started at the beginning of the year! Our goal? The creation of at least 5,000 DNA barcodes for at least 1,500 Austrian species of animals, plants and fungi, as well as closing data […]

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These were the Days of Biodiversity 2023

“Together on the way out of the biodiversity crisis” was the title of the Biodiversity Days 2023 from November 8th to 10th, which took place at BOKU Vienna. In 9 sessions, different aspects of the biodiversity crisis and different actors were addressed. This breadth of topics was only possible through the first-time cooperation between 5 […]

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DNA barcoding workshop at the University of Zambia 2.0

Due to last year’s great success, the 2nd DNA barcoding workshop took place in September at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in the capital Lusaka. As part of the OeAD project “Inventorying biodiversity in the tropics: Establishing a DNA-barcoding pipeline for characterizing and monitoring Zambia’s biodiversity” led by the University of Graz (Stephan Koblmüller and Lukas Zangl) and participation by ABOL and Prof. Cyprian Katongo (UNZA ) students and […]