Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner

New content of the ABOL webpage

We want to point out that the ABOL webpage is updated and extended continously. For some time we have started to restructure the website with regard to the future overall project. Major modifications concern the items “About us” and “Project”. In particular we want to point out the new page “Professional collecting” to be found in […]


Austrian Caddisflies

Just before the end of the old year fortunately a new associated project joined the steadily growing ABOL community. The project of Dr. Wolfram Graf and colleagues aims at recording of the genetic diversity of the Austrian caddisfly fauna comprising some 310 species. Caddisflies, especially their larval stage, are important bioindicators in freshwater ecology. Read […]


New associated project – Aphidinae (plant louse)

It is a plesure to welcome a new associated project! Manfred Hartbauer, Doris Reineke and Liza Nemes investigate collective defence mechanisms in non-myrmecophilous aphid species by means of various playback experiments and analysis of alarm pheromones. Additionally. the evolution of collective physical defence will be reconstructed in a phylogenetic approach encompassing different species of the subfamily of Aphidinae. […]

New “Join-us-page” on our website!

The planned main project of ABOL intends to record the entire Austrian biodiversity. Such an ambitious objective can only be achieved by a cooperating network of experts/ volunteers/ working groups/ and institutions. The new “Join-us-page” provides information on our growing network along with contact possibilities. All persons able and willing to participate are cordially invited […]


NEW! Database on Barcoding literature online!

A selection of scientific and popular publications on the topic of DNA barcoding in general and ABOL in particular can be accessed via the link https://www.zotero.org/groups/abol_literatur. The main page of the Zotero literature-database displays recent additions. By activating the link „Group Library“ the structure of the database (hierarchic folders) will be opened with the entire […]


Final agenda for the ABOL meeting 2015

We are glad to present the final agenda for this years´ ABOL meeting! Many thanks to all participants which agreed to give a talk at the meeting. We look forward to a well attended and inspiring meeting as well as numerous poster presentations. Please register as soon as possible per e-mail to abol.msonnleitner@gmail.com. Link to […]


ABOL meeting 2015 – preliminary agenda

Dear ABOL community, the preliminary agenda for this year´s ABOL meeting which will be jointly organized with ZooBot (Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich) and NOBIS Austria (Network of Biological Systematics Austria) is now available and can be downloaded here. Minor changes in schedule and talks still can occur. We will provide the final version as soon as […]


Three new publications on DNA-Barcoding of butterflies

Dear barcoding-community, we would like to point out three papers already published in 2015 concerning Barcoding of Austrian Lepidopterae: Early in the year P. Huemer and P.D.N Hebert presented a Barcode library containing 1489 species of butterflies from Vorarlberg. 36 species were new to the province of Vorarlberg, while two species were newly recorded for […]