Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner

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ABOL BioBlitz in Tyrol

The long journey was worth it: on July 8th and 9th the Day of Biodiversity, including a ABOL-BioBlitz, took place in the Ehrwald Basin/Biberwier, in the Ausserfern region of Tyrol. In the large valley basin, framed by the Wetterstein Mountains and the striking Zugspitze massif, the local bird sanctuary with the remains of a former […]

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First ABOL BioBlitz 2022 in Vienna

This year, the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald once again organized a day of biodiversity – on June 10th and 11th – this time in the 16th district of Vienna, Ottakring, with some sites in the 14th district, Penzing. ABOL participated again with a BioBlitz campaign. After a break of several years due to the pandemic, a […]

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ABOL BioBlitzes – new publication!

Dear ABOL community We are pleased to announce that our first joint publication on the ABOL BioBlitzes has been published in Acta ZooBot (link). In this context, the DNA barcoding datasets from the BioBlitzes 2019 and 2020 were released in BOLD, the international DNA barcoding platform, and are now available to everyone (download: dx.doi.org/10.5883/DS-ABOLBB19). The […]

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ABOL meeting: Call for Abstracts

Dear ABOL Community the joint registration page for the ABOL meeting and the Biodiversity Forum is now online. Please register on the following page: -> Days of Biodiversity – Program & Registration Abstracts for talks (15 min. + 5 min. discussion) and flash talks (5 min. + 3 min. discussion) can still be submitted for […]

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ABOL BioBlitz at the Tyrolean Day of Biodiversity in the Nature Park Kaunergrat

In Tyrol, ABOL was once again able to participate in the Day of Biodiversity with a BioBlitz Initiative. Selected areas in the Nature Park Kaunergrat were examined – from wet to dry, lean meadows to bog areas, boulder fields, alpine meadows and alpine grasslands. In addition to butterfly experts, who began their surveys with light […]