Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner


Elisabeth Haring spoke at the “Fridays For Future Vienna” strike on “Biodiversity and Climate Crisis”

Biodiversity is a term that is far from being firmly anchored in people’s minds. Global climate change can no longer be ignored as a fact, problem and danger, “Fridays for Future” is an expression of this situation. By contrast, the “Sixth Mass Extinction” is fully under way, yet many people are still unaware of the […]

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Early bird Registration extended!

Dear ABOL community, dear colleagues, We have extended the early bird registration for this year’s ABOL conference until October 18th ! Conference contributions in the form of 15 minute talks or lightning talks (3 minutes) can be submitted until October 31st. Further information about the conference can be found on our conference website. We look […]


New Biodiversity Council installed

The dependence of man on his living environment is reflected far too little in political action. In order to give a stronger voice to biodiversity, a Biodiversity Council has recently been set up by experts. A first press release can be read here. Hopefully, the Biodiversity Council will grow in the future, so that biodiversity […]


ABOL 2019 – Registration open!

Dear ABOL community and interested people! As already announced, this year’s ABOL conference will take place in Innsbruck on December 6, 2019 following the DACH-UGM “DNA Methods in Environmental Management”, which will cover everything from the application to the scientific basis of DNA barcoding. Both meetings can be attended together – at a reduced conference […]

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ABOL BioBlitz at the 1. Cross-border biodiversity day (Vienna/Bratislava)

On the day of biodiversity in Vienna we likewise participated with an ABOL-BioBlitz. On 22 June 2019 the Vienna Environmental Protection Department (MA 22) in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) invited everyone intersetsted in biodiversity to the Knödelhüttenstraße, in the 14th district of Vienna. There the 1. Cross-border biodiversity […]

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ABOL BioBlitz at Mühlbergerhof in Grein

Last weekend the second ABOL BioBlitz took place. This time we were guests at the Day of Biodiversity at the Mühlbergerhof in Grein, Upper Austria. Organized by the Naturschutzbund OÖ and the Biology Center Linz of the Upper Austrian Landesmuseum, about 25 experts examined the biodiversity in the vicinity of the organic farm. Birds were […]