Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner


ABOL meeting 2019 – Save the date!

Dear ABOL community, our this year´s ABOL meeting will take place on Friday 6th of December in Innsbruck. In advance, a DACH User Group Meeting on “DNA Methods in Environmental Management” will be held on 4th  and 5th of December together with Germany and Switzerland. There will be a common as well as separate registration […]


ABOL meeting: program

Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts, the program of this years´ABOL meeting is now complete and can be downloaded here: program-ABOL-meeting2018. For further information please visit our conference website! We are happy that so many people have registered and hope for productive workshops and an exciting symposium! Your ABOL coordination team  


Global and regional biodiversity loss

Biodiversity loss currently receives much attention in media. One trigger for this is the recently published WWF Living Planet Report 2018, which shows a persistent massive population decline in vertebrates. The Living Planet Index (LPI) has been compiled every two years since 1998, and makes statements about the evolution of thousands of vertebrate species. The […]


iBOL Conference 2019 – Registration now open!

The registration for the iBOL Conference is now open: The 8th International Barcode of Life Conference takes place from 17th to 20th of June 2019 in Trondheim, Norway. We are looking forward to meet some of you there! Additionally, we want to recommend the very illuminating newly launched iBOL website: http://ibol.org    


ABOL meeting 2018 – registration extended!

Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts, This year’s ABOL meeting will take place on 6th and 7th December 2018 at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The REGISTRATION PERIOD has been extended until 31st October 2018 ! Please register for the workshops (on 6th December) and for the scientific conference (on 7th December) via e-mail to […]

Exhibition “Hotspot Mur. Concealed emeralds” extended!

Due to the great success, the special exhibition “Hotspot Mur. Concealed emeralds” at the Natural History Museum Graz, Joanneum has been extended to 9.12.2018. The exhibition is dedicated to the partly rare animal and plant species of the river Mur and the floodplains beyond. The newly discovered and recently published fish species Romanogobio skywalkeri (emerald […]


BIO-PLANBAR, a new ABOL project

We are pleased to announce that under the lead of the University of Graz (Dr. Stephan Koblmüller) in cooperation with the Universalmuseum Joanneum (Mag. Wolfgang Paill) and the Ökoteam as economic partner (Dr. Werner Holzinger) another ABOL project has started. In the BRIDGE-1 project BIO-PLANBAR (FFG, BMVIT) the use of DNA barcoding for more efficient […]


ABOL meeting 2018 – Information on workshops

Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts, As we have already announced, this year’s ABOL meeting will take place on 6th and 7th of December at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The first day of the conference (6.12.) is dedicated to the practice this year. Two workshops will be held – in the morning we want […]


ABOL meeting 2018 – registration now open!

Dear ABOL community and interested people! the registration for our annual ABOL meeting, which takes place on December, 6th and 7th at the Natural History Museum Vienna, is now open. Please send an e-mail to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at. This year talks and poster can be submitted. Please send your abstract to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at. On Thursday, 6th, a workshop […]

Relaunch of the ABOL website

Reflecting the transition from the pilot phase into the Austria-wide ABOL Initiative our website now shines in a new splendor. Our relaunch shows many running projects under the option ABOL Initiative. The assignment to organism-specific clusters is meant to ease your search for certain projects. Information on the new structure of ABOL, as well as Information on the team […]