Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner


ABOL Meeting 2017 – takeoff into the future

Our this year´s annual meeting ABOL4 took place on October 20th, 2017 under a number of lucky stars! Firstly, good news from the Federal Ministry of Research, Science and Economy came just in time: The coordination of ABOL is going to be funded for the next three years! Thus, co-ordination of the numerous currently running […]


ABOL Database Workshop

The ABOL coordination team offers workshops to learn how to use the ABOL database. The workshops are designed for beginners, thus previous knowledge about the database software specify or databases in general is not required. Details The first ABOL database workshop took place on the 6th of November. The next workshops will be held at […]


ABOL meeting – final agenda

Dear ABOL friends and colleagues interested in biodiversity, the ABOL meeting will take place in two weeks! With pleasure we announce the final program. Some changes concerning the speakers had to be made. Unfortunately, Paul Hebert had to cancel his attendance. But,  we are happy to welcome Sujeevan Ratnasingham (Univ. of Guelph, Chief Architect of […]


ABOL meeting 2017 – preliminary agenda

Dear ABOL community & all interested people, the preliminary program of the this year´s ABOL meeting is now available and can be downloaded here: program-abol-meeting2017 The meeting takes place on 20th of October 2017 at the Natural History Museum of Vienna. We are happy to announce a keynote-lecture of Prof. Paul Hebert (University of Guelph, Canada), the […]


ABOL meeting – held on 20th of October 2017 only

Dear ABOL community & all interested people, to avoid synchrony with the ÖEG Fachgespräche (October 21st, 2017, BOKU) the ABOL meeting will take place on October 20th, 2017 from 9:00 to ca. 20:00. We will start with talks, a panel discussion and a poster session. In the afternoon two public talks will be followed by […]


ABOL meeting 2017 – reminder

Dear ABOL community & all interested people, we would like to remind you that this years´ABOL meeting takes place on 20th and 21st of October in the Natural History Museum Vienna. We will look back at the past 3 years of the initial phase and especially look forward to the future of the ABOL-Initiative. Two public talks will […]


ABOL meeting 2017 – Save the date!

Dear ABOL community, this year´s ABOL meeting will take place on 20th and 21st of October 2017 at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The meeting marks the transition from the pilot phase to the overall project. Please save the date! Further information will be given in time. Best wishes, the ABOL-Team

ABOL goes facebook

For all of you who are familiar with social media, we recently initiated a facebook page for ABOL! https://www.facebook.com/AustrianBarcodeOfLife/ We cordially invite you to contribute and comment frequently. We aim at announcing news about ABOL, along with other postings of general relevance for biodiversity. Enjoy our page!


HRSM project start on March 1st 2017

With March 1st the HRSM (Hochschulraumstrukturmittel) project has been launched. The project is funded with 1 Million Euro by the Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and aims at developing DNA barcoding pipelines for ABOL at universities. Commendably, the University of Graz has taken the leadership. Project partners are the University of Vienna, the University of […]

Butterflies: leading role in ABOL extended

Dear ABOL community, it is about time, to announce many new projects which have been launched recently! In butterflies, the showcase group of ABOL, four new projects have been initiated. Two of them, “Butterflies of Vorarlberg” and “Nocturnal butterflies of the Koblacher Ried” address the lepidopteran fauna of the most western Austrian province, Vorarlberg. Both […]