Entries by Michaela Sonnleitner


ABOL meeting Linz 2016

Dear ABOL community,

this year again our ABOL meeting took place at the Schlossmuseum Linz – we would like to thank the people from the Upper Austrian State Museums for hosting! We are very happy, that so many of you joined the meeting. A special thank to all the speakers for the interesting talks concerning this year’s main topic “Applied aspects of DNA barcoding”. The talks provided a comprehensive overview of the power of DNA barcoding and stimulated lively discussions.
We hope, that the meeting was interesting and successful for all participants and provided sufficient space for conversations and networking.
Please find some impressions in our picture gallery (photo credits by F. Gusenleitner, H. Sattmann, M. Sonnleitner)

Best wishes,
your ABOL team


Major study on species delimitation in Lepidoptera via DNA barcodes

A fascinating recent publication deals with the potential of species delimitation in Lepidoptera via CO1. An international cooperation, with the participation of experts from the Tyrolean State Museums, could show that DNA barcoding is an efficient approach to determine the vast majority of European Lepidoptera. Every determination is eased by reciprocal monophyly between species. In […]

Increase of international comparability by DNA-Barcoding

As representatives of a DNA-Barcoding-Initiative in Austria we are often asked for the value of barcoding Austrian individuals in species where DNA-Barcodes from other countries are available. The best answer is given by two papers on moths, recently published by the team around Peter Huemer at the Tiroler Landesmuseum. Some species of leafroller-moths were always […]


Pushing the borders in our biodiversity assessment – the first associated projects on plants

Dear supporters of ABOL! Complementing our current projects on fungi and animals we are happy to announce the start of two associated projects on DNA-barcoding in plants. A project at the University of Salzburg, headed by Andreas Tribsch, generates DNA barcodes in spring gentians, a morphologically challenging group. DNA barcodes will allow to identify juvenile […]


Reminder – ABOL meeting 2016

Dear ABOL community, we would like to remind you that this years´ABOL meeting will take place on 3rd and 4th of December in the Schlossmuseum Linz. We are pleased to announce an additional talk of Bettina Thalinger (University of Innsbruck). The updated agenda can be downloaded here: Programm ABOL-Tagung 2016 Please register until the 20th […]


ABOL meeting 2016

Dear ABOL-partners, dear biodiversity community, the agenda for this year´s ABOL meeting is ready and can be downloaded here: Programm ABOL-Tagung 2016 The meeting focuses mainly on applied aspects of DNA barcoding. The meeting starts at the 3rd of December 2016 at 18:00, directly after the NOBIS-meeting (2nd and 3rd of December) with registration and […]


New associated projects dealing with wild bees

Dear biodiversity community, Wild bees enjoy increasing awareness in general public, due to several campaigns in the recent past. Austria is known as a biodiversity hotspot of wild bees and many species are especially worthy of protection because of their narrow food spectrum and/or restricted distribution area. Therefore we are pleased to announce two new […]


Heating the worldwide biodiversity hotspot of Protura: Acerentomon christiani n.sp. from the Leopoldsberg, Vienna

Dear ABOL Community, It was 2004 when Christian & Szeptycki revealed the Leopoldsberg to be the worldwide biodiversity hotspot of Protura, reporting 23 species from the soil of a very dry slope. Applying DNA barcoding to re-assess the diversity of these very small and blind soil dwellers at the genetic level reported 4 additional species […]


Associated project Orthoptera

Recently a new associated project joined ABOL – DNA barcoding of Central European Orthopterans A first transnational cooperation between GBOL, SwissBOL and ABOL adresses the genetic diversity of many species of Central European grasshoppers. The project funded by the Verein der Freunde des Naturhistorischen Museums will be extended by further national projects. Read more…