Entries by Nikolaus Szucsich


iBOL-Congress 2019

From the 17th to the 20th of June 2019 the 8th International Barcode of Life Conference took place in Trondheim, Norway. In addition to numerous excellent lectures on metabarcoding, eDNA and many other aspects of biodiversity research, the iBOL program BioSCAN was launched. The iBOL community not only aims to generate DNA barcodes from 2 […]


ABOL Meeting 2018 – a very positive review

Dear ABOL community,

First of all a thank you to all participants of our ABOL meeting. This year we decided for the first time for accompanying workshops – thank you for the stimulating discussions, we hope to be able to offer such events again soon. A special thanks to all presenters for the thrilling contributions. This allowed us to get a good overview of what is already running and what is possible with DNA barcoding.
Thanks to all for the many, positive feedback. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope for fruitful cooperation next year.


8th International Barcode of Life Conference

Dear ABOL community, dear biodiversity enthusiasts, Next year the the global barcoding community is meeting in Trondheim, Norway at the 8th iBOL conference. If you are interested to join, please save the 17.-20. June 2019 in your calendar. The conference website is already online. Under you will find information about the venue and the key […]


New literatur on DNA barcoding

Who does not know them from the own garden, the Spanish slug? A study at the BOKU Vienna showed that Citizen Scientists can contribute to investigate the abundance of slugs of the genus Arion in private gardens. The quality of determinations could be kept high in the study by using the DNA barcoding approach. The publication […]


New exhibition in Graz: Hotspot Mur. Concealed emeralds

The special exhibition „Hotspot Mur. Concealed emeralds“ in the Natural History Museum in Graz presents a wide variety of partly quite rare species of animals and plants. All of them inhabit the waters, banks and floodplains of the River Mur. An exciting example of the tremendous biodiversity of the river is the discovery of the “emerald-Gressling”, a fish species known […]


ABOL meeting 2018 – Save the date!

Dear ABOL community, this year´s ABOL meeting will take place on 06-07 of December 2018 at the Natural History Museum Vienna. On Thursday 06 of December we want to organize a workshop on “eDNA and metabarcoding”, which is aimed at stakeholders. On Friday, scientific talks address the professional audience and the interested public. Please save the date! Further information […]


One day meeting in Edinburgh (UK) on “DNA Sequencing Natural History Specimens Using New Sequencing Platforms and Protocols”

Dear all Pete Hollingworth of the Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh is organizing a Meeting on “Sequencing Natural History specimens using NGS”. It will take place on Tuesday 11th July 2017 with many reknown speakers from various DNA-Barcoding initiatives. The Meeting is free – registrition is open till 05th of July. Find enclosed the email of […]