Tag Archive for: ABOL meeting

Dear ABOL community,

this year again our ABOL meeting took place at the Schlossmuseum Linz – we would like to thank the people from the Upper Austrian State Museums for hosting! We are very happy, that so many of you joined the meeting. A special thank to all the speakers for the interesting talks concerning this year’s main topic “Applied aspects of DNA barcoding”. The talks provided a comprehensive overview of the power of DNA barcoding and stimulated lively discussions.
We hope, that the meeting was interesting and successful for all participants and provided sufficient space for conversations and networking.
Please find some impressions in our picture gallery (photo credits by F. Gusenleitner, H. Sattmann, M. Sonnleitner)

Best wishes,
your ABOL team

Liebe ABOL-Gemeinschaft!

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie bei der diesjährigen ABOL-Tagung wieder so zahlreich teilgenommen haben. Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Vortragenden, die von vielfältigen Seiten den diesjährigen Schwerpunkt  „Sammlungen und Sammeln“ vor allem im Hinblick auf DNA-Barcoding und der damit verbundenen Qualitätssicherung beleuchtet haben.

Wir hoffen, dass die Tagung gut und ausgiebig für Meinungsaustausch und Netzwerken genützt werden konnte. Um die fachliche Kommunikation innerhalb der Cluster zu erleichtern, werden auf Anregung interne Forum-Bereiche auf der Website eröffnet (mehr dazu in Kürze).

Eindrücke und Erinnerungen an das ABOL- Meeting in Linz finden Sie wieder in unserer Bildergalerie. Sollte Bedarf bestehen, ein Foto in höherer Auflösung zu bekommen, bitte einfach uns zu kontaktieren.

We are glad to present the final agenda for this years´ ABOL meeting!
Many thanks to all participants which agreed to give a talk at the meeting.
We look forward to a well attended and inspiring meeting as well as numerous poster presentations. Please register as soon as possible per e-mail to abol.msonnleitner@gmail.com.
Link to programm: tagung-2015-programm.pdf

Subsequent to the ABOL-Meeting the Schlossmuseum Linz houses the 82. Meeting of Entomologists.

Dear ABOL community,

the preliminary agenda for this year´s ABOL meeting which will be jointly organized with ZooBot (Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich) and NOBIS Austria (Network of Biological Systematics Austria) is now available and can be downloaded here. Minor changes in schedule and talks still can occur. We will provide the final version as soon as possible. A new feature is the option to present posters or informations at info tables.

The meeting will take place at 5th and 6th of November 2015 at Schlossmuseum in Linz. There is no application deadline, however we ask you to register soon (e-mail to Michaela Sonnleitner abol.msonnleitner@gmail.com) to support the planning process. The conference language will be German.

Many thanks to the “OÖ Landesmuseum” for hosting our meeting and we look forward to interesting and inspiring sessions!

Austrian Barcode of Life-2015-05_06-Nov-2015-programm

This year again an ABOL-Meeting will be organized. It will take place from 5. to the 6. of November 2015, in the Schloßmuseum in Linz. We thank all people from the OÖ Landesmuseum for housing this years meeting and are looking forward to two days full of interesting and inspiring presentations and discussions.