Tag Archive for: DNA barcoding

Liebe ABOL-Gemeinschaft!

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie bei der diesjährigen ABOL-Tagung wieder so zahlreich teilgenommen haben. Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Vortragenden, die von vielfältigen Seiten den diesjährigen Schwerpunkt  „Sammlungen und Sammeln“ vor allem im Hinblick auf DNA-Barcoding und der damit verbundenen Qualitätssicherung beleuchtet haben.

Wir hoffen, dass die Tagung gut und ausgiebig für Meinungsaustausch und Netzwerken genützt werden konnte. Um die fachliche Kommunikation innerhalb der Cluster zu erleichtern, werden auf Anregung interne Forum-Bereiche auf der Website eröffnet (mehr dazu in Kürze).

Eindrücke und Erinnerungen an das ABOL- Meeting in Linz finden Sie wieder in unserer Bildergalerie. Sollte Bedarf bestehen, ein Foto in höherer Auflösung zu bekommen, bitte einfach uns zu kontaktieren.

Dear barcoding-community,
we would like to point out three papers already published in 2015 concerning Barcoding of Austrian Lepidopterae:

Early in the year P. Huemer and P.D.N Hebert presented a Barcode library containing 1489 species of butterflies from Vorarlberg. 36 species were new to the province of Vorarlberg, while two species were newly recorded for Austria.



A further study revised the taxonomy of the genus Kessleria. An integrative approach, combining morphology and DNA-Barcoding, supported the existence of 29 European species, five of these were newly described.



The third publication presented the new moth species Callisto basistrigella from the south-eastern Alps. The species can be morphologically and genetically differentiated from its sister species C. coffeella. Both species co-occur sympatrically without evidence of admixture.



During samplings in 2014, scientists of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna caught several specimens of a gudgeon-like fish in the Mur River, which differentiated from sympatric Gobio obtusirostris through their large fins, elongated body shape and habitat use. Morphological studies showed that these specimens did not belong to any of the three Romanogobio species native in Austria. Preliminary DNA barcoding by the team of the ABOL Pilot study Vertebrates at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz identified the fish as a potential new species of the genus Romanogobio, as the data did not match other Eurasian gudgeons. First investigations on the range of this new species indicated that it is rather restricted and its habitat use is very similar to that of juvenile grayling. Due to its green sheen as an adult the common name emerald-gudgeon is suggested for the species.


The project operated by Harald Letsch and Sven Winter aims at unravelling phylogenetic relationships within this morphologically difficult group in addition to DNA-Barcodes. Despite a recent restructuring of the genus Apion based on feeding plants and morphology still some taxonomic uncertainties remain. Preliminary Barcoding data suggest the existence of cryptic species in some groups.