GeMonA+ – Development of a genetic module as a contribution to a holistic biodiversity monitoring in Austria
Efficient and informative biodiversity monitoring for the early detection of changes in species diversity is essential in order to counteract the progressive decline of species and to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out.
Traditional monitoring is very labour- and time-intensive and requires the participation of numerous experts. Therefore, the GeMonA+ project is developing an efficient and scalable monitoring concept based on molecular genetic methods.
The GeMonA+ project, funded by the Austrian Biodiversity Fund, addresses two fields:
(1) Metabarcoding of insects from trap catches
(2) Identification of flower/plant visitors via eDNA
GeMonA+ is intended to make a significant contribution to the standardization of biodiversity surveys in Austria and beyond by developing a monitoring module that is based on molecular genetic methods and can be used in different habitats. In the project, this monitoring module will be applied over two seasons at 7 selected locations of different habitat types. Additionally a proof of concept will be carried out.
In a preliminary project, samples were collected at the selected locations in 2023, which means that data from two seasons can be included in the project despite its short duration.
The project is carried out by a consortium of ABOL partners from 6 Austrian universities (Univ. Graz (Lead), Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna, BOKU and Vetmed) and the Natural History Museum Vienna (ABOL); other institutions are also involved.

Dr. Christian Sturmbauer (Univ. Graz, Lead)
Dr. Christoph Hahn (Univ. Graz)
Dr. Harald Meimberg (BOKU Vienna)
Dr. Bettina Thalinger (Univ. Innsbruck)
Dr. Michael Traugott (Univ. Innsbruck)
Dr. Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber (Univ. Vienna)
Dr. Andreas Tribsch (Univ. Salzburg)
Dr. Nikolaus Szucsich (NHM Vienna)
Oliver Macek, MSc. (NHM Vienna)
Dr. Michaela Sonnleitner (NHM Vienna)

National park Gesäuse
Nationa park Neusiedlersee
National park Kalkalpen
National park Hohe Tauern
Environment Agency Austria (UBA)
Botanical Garden, University of Vienna

Project status: active
This project is funded by the Austrian Biodiversity Fund of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.
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